Join with us as we finish the generations of Jesus in Matthew chapter 1. What lessons are to be learned and what insights can we gain as we dig deep into the meanings of the names of the ancestors of Jesus!
What we learn from the genealogy of Jesus is that God was slow to anger with the ancestors of Jesus, giving many opportunities for people to repent of their sins. His judgment against unrighteousness was withheld for many generations. However, once judgment came, His mercy delivered them within 70 years. We also learn that each generation had the opportunity to make their own choices, whether good or evil. Every individual had to answer for their personal choices. The same is true in our day. I pray that we choose Jesus, because His ways and His thoughts are certainly greater than our own. We submit to His ways and His thoughts, we will discover our God given destiny. Teaching Resources
This week Pastor Jim jumps back in to the study of the Genealogy of Jesus by digging deeper into the second set of fourteen generations.
Everyone has a God given destiny, regardless of the circumstances surrounding their birth. For some people, that destiny is spoken over them, affirmed, confirmed and blessed by parents and others. Others may not have been so fortunate. From the womb to their present age a great void has existed, with no one calling their destiny forth. Is there hope for these persons? The answer is yes and the answer is found in the genealogy of Jesus. Is it possible to know my destiny and miss it? Yes, it is possible and we will see that in the genealogy of Jesus. For further Bible study: The history (Chronicles) of the genealogy of Jesus from Solomon to Jeconiah is recorded in the book of II Chronicles. Teaching Resources Joseph was a righteous man, but His betrothed was found to be pregnant. He had to find a way to reconcile his righteousness with his compassion. Fortunately, Joseph was also a dreamer. This week, on Father's Day, we find the truths of this man's life to be impactful to all of us...fathers included.
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